Friday Anne Keyes | Hello world!
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Hello world!

Hello world!

Welcome to my blog!

This is the inaugural posting of my new blog documenting my physical, emotional and philosophical transition to becoming the woman within.

I’d like to keep the tone of this site light and fun to read, but to those of us in the community the topics that will be discussed here serious, sometimes emotional, sometimes medical, sometime deeply personal and occasionally graphic.  For that reason I’ve placed a PG rating on the site.  Also, although I’m a big, big free speech fan, I want this to be a safe haven for those in transition, contemplating their sexual identity, or friends, family and loved ones wishing to learn how to support someone in transition, harsh and offensive language will be filtered out from comments and replies.

Why I’m launching this blog site

I’ve meet a lot of interesting and knowledgeable TG people on YouTube, Facebook and other sites recently and have been very moved, inspired and humbled by a few extremely together vLoggers that have motivated me be honest with myself and the World, come out of the darkness, and start pushing my transition forward so I can start living openly and happily as who I really am.

The main purpose of this site is to chronicle my transition from this point forward, so most of the posts will be me-centric and based on current events.  But along the way I’ll also be telling the story of my life and transition that got me to this point.  I also hope to gain further knowledge and insight about the transition process, things to avoid, things to pay attentions to, through comments and replies from members of the community, and I also hope that my story and transition experience will be of value to others in the community.  I’m open to any and all suggestions and comments – none offensive, constructive comments.

My Transition Story – in short

I’ve always gravitated towards feminine things and activities for as far back as I can remember.  My tastes in popular music, preferring higher voices and female artists, my choice of movies, literature, games and even jobs all lean towards the  softer sex.  I’ve had very log hair most of my life and love light loose clothes, and lots of delicate jewelry.

Not long after high school I met my first few transgendered girls and quickly befriended them.  Throughout the 1980’s I experimented with a gender bending appearence and cross-dressing full-time in the daylight – and of course, the nightlife.  The 90’s I spent mostly working on my career, getting in and out of a very short marraige, and on education.

Sometime around about 2002 or 2003 I began seriously examining my life and feelings, and shortly thereafter I began researching the pros and cons, ins and outs, ups and down, myths, ledgends and science concerning transgenderism.  Around 2004 and 2005 I again started adjusting my appearance and clothes in a more gender-bending fashion.

On March 26, 2006 I began HRT – self-medicated, DIY, not recommended, don’t try this at home, Hormone Replacement Therapy.  Shortly after that I became a girl – in my heart, in my mind, and in my closet.  (The nasty details about the names and types and doages of my regime will discussed in exhaustive detail in some later blog.)

Since 2006 I’ve been on an ever evolving regime of medicines and slowly I replaced all of my “boy clothes” with “girl clothes”.  My whole brilliant idea was to evolve and transform myself so gradually that all around me would never really notice unit that one day in the very dim future where I just show up somewhere in a little black dress, and by then no one would be suprise.  But suprise, it don’t really work that way, and it really ain’t honest, and I was really getting tired of hiding and not allowing myself to be myself.

So, on July 2, 2012 I came out to my doctor, told her I was transgendered, and asked for her help and guidance through whatever will be necessary for me to complete a safe transition.  This is where I’m at today; working with professionals to get me regulated, legal, fully transitioned and happy.  I’m in the planning stage for the rest of my life.

I’m not a doctor

My doctor is a doctor; I have a lot of personal experience with early transition, HRT, feminizing regimes and like topics, and I hope I have some insight to offer, but I’m not a doctor and I will not represent with that kind of authority.  When medical or pharmacuetical questions are asked of me I will do my best to find the correct answers from the appropriate sources.  When asked for an opinion I will aswer is I can.  The best advice right here from the beginning I can give anyone thinking of trasitioning or already in transition on a DIY plan, please go see your or a doctor first.

I will do my best to answer question and respond to comments in as timely a manner as I can manage.

This Blog Going Forward

I hope to have the time to update this blog at least on a weekly basis, and to include not only topics about my transition but about the experiences of others and the transition process ingeneral.  As well as LGBT new and news concerning transgender legislation, topics in the media, a transgendered leaders and performers.

Fund Raising for me and the community

Finally, it my be necessary for me to beg for money for any proceduces I need that might not be covered by my health insurance.  Anything I raise and do not need specifically for medical procedures I will somehow funnel back into the community, i.e. others in transition needing financial help.

Thanks you, and I hope this will evolve into a useful and informative conversation.

Friday Anne Keyes
