Friday Anne Keyes | Started Voice Therapy This Week
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Started Voice Therapy This Week

Started Voice Therapy This Week

Hi Everyone,

Very, very, busy week, but not a lot of transition related progress, and that’s OK!  I think I was starting to push the envelope on the transition timeline; what’s the rush?  But I did start voice therapy this week, and if to me, this is one of the cornerstones of my pre-coming out strategy.

I have a very low and monotone voice with a heavy Philadelphia accent, so I am going to need a lot of voice work.  Unfortunately there is no magic bullet for voice training, just lots of hard work and dedication over at least a six month time period, but I’m up for the challenge, and if I ever have any hopes of going full time and being accepted at any level, I must fix my voice.  The good news is that I found a really great voice therapist with a lot of experience with transgender folk, so I’m looking forward to our work together.

In other news, I’m still waiting for my new Birth Certificate to arrive so that I can get my DOB and Gender Marker changed on my Driver’s License, and so I can start my legal name change.

So that’s all on the transition front for now, so now for something completely different:

My Dwarf Fruit Tree Collection

Two Dwarf Hardy Banana Trees, My Dwarf Lemon Tree, My Really Tiny Lime Tree, and of course, Pineapplehenge!

Have a Great Week,


